How To wear the Yukata

The Flow of Wearing The Female Yukata

16. Katanagashi


This is a Katanagashi.
Fold 50~60cm of the Tare into two folds.
Adjust to the length of the Tare.
Tie a knot so that the Tare-saki is longer.
Bring the Te up over the Tare and wrap it once sliding it through the back of the knot.
With the remaining Te, wrap over the knot again, and pull the end down through between the Obi and the Date-jime.
Fold and tuck in the extra Te-saki behind the Obi.(Image)
© Bunka Fashion Research Institute・Joint Research Center for Fashion and Clothing Culture-20014
:"The education program for the cultural folklore and for the transmission of “Kimono” culture"