How To wear the Yukata

The Flow of Wearing The Female Yukata

14. Bunko bow 3


Make sure the sleeves don't get in the way, tuck in your stomach, hold the bow tie with your right hand.
Hold the Obi at the back of the left side opening with your left hand.
Slide the Obi clockwise until the bow is at the center of your back.
Fold in the extra Te-saki behind the Obi.(Image)
Tuck in the extra Te-saki behind the Obi.
Smooth out the Ohashori fold.
Adjust the side Mi-yatsukuchi openings.
Check the whole balance.
We're all done.
Let's put on your Geta, and hop outside with a Uchiwa fan in your hand!
© Bunka Fashion Research Institute・Joint Research Center for Fashion and Clothing Culture-20014
:"The education program for the cultural folklore and for the transmission of “Kimono” culture"