How To wear the Yukata

The Flow of Wearing The Female Yukata

3. Start Wearing


Holding the collar of the Yukata, drape it onto your shoulders from behind.
Slip both hands into each sleeve.
Hold on to the sleeves with each hand and reach out horizontally.
Adjust so that the center seam of the Yukata rests in the middle of your back.
Stand side ways to the mirror. Hold the front panels together in front of you.
Slide the hands down to the collar ends and hold them with your right hand.

Reach to the center back with your other hand and adjust the length of the hem line.
Tuck it up until it is about 2cm from the ground in the back, and at the length just enough to cover your ankles at the sides.
Holding the collar ends with each hand, bring the left panel, Uwa-mae, across the front to your right hip bone to measure the width of your front panel.
Making sure the back position is firm against your hips, return to the open position, and bring the right panel, Shita-mae, to your left lifting the corner of the hem.
Tsuma-saki at the toes for, about 5cm off the floor.
Wrap the Uwa-mae as well, lifting the corner of the hem, tsumasaki at the toes, this time, about 4cm.
The silhouette of the Yukata will have a stylish narrowing line at the bottom. It is best if the collar end overlaps the side seam of the Yukata for about 2~3cm.
It has finished.
© Bunka Fashion Research Institute・Joint Research Center for Fashion and Clothing Culture-20014
:"The education program for the cultural folklore and for the transmission of “Kimono” culture"