How To wear the Yukata

The Flow of Wearing The Female Yukata

19. Fold in Hon Datami

Movie | Reversed Movie

Lay the Yukata open, front side up, so that its shoulders are at your left and the hem line is on your right.
Fold the right panel in from its side seam. Smooth out and flatten the wrinkles with your hands. This hand ironing is called a Tenoshi.
Fold back the right Okumi panel at the Okumi seam line over the front panel with its back side out.
Bring the left Okumi side line over to the right panel in line with the right Okumi line.
Hold on to the left side seam and lay it over the right side seam.
Adjust the center back seam at the same time.
Fold up the hem line.
Shift the upper body part to an easier folding position.
Fold the neck line inside into the upper body part along the collar seam.
Put the two collars together and smooth out the wrinkles.
Place the two shoulder lines and the sleeve seams together.
Fold the left sleeve at the sleeve seam over to the body panel.
Placing your right hand in the center of the body panel and making sure there is no wrinkles, hold on to the hem line with your left hand and fold up in half.
Turn it over.
Fold the right sleeve at the seam onto the body panel to finish.
The half width Hanhaba Obi should be folded in half.
Be folded again in half.
Fold the Obi in accordion folds.
Other ties and belts such as Date-jime and Koshi-himo should also be neatly folded after smoothing out the wrinkles.
© Bunka Fashion Research Institute・Joint Research Center for Fashion and Clothing Culture-20014
:"The education program for the cultural folklore and for the transmission of “Kimono” culture"