How To wear the Yukata

The Flow of Wearing The Female Yukata

9. Date-jime


Let's tie on the flat belt, Date-jime. Adjust the collars in the front. Holding on to it with your right hand, tie on the belt.
You can tidy up the the crossing part by folding the belt in an angle, like this.
Holding the ends of the Date-jime at the front, smooth out the wrinkles at the back to the sides and adjust the Ohashori folds.
Tie the Date-jime tightly at the front, entwine the ends twice and tuck them under the Date-jime itself.
Settle the wrinkles and the folds in the front as well.
© Bunka Fashion Research Institute・Joint Research Center for Fashion and Clothing Culture-20014
:"The education program for the cultural folklore and for the transmission of “Kimono” culture"